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Studia prowadzone w języku angielskim


No. Course ECTS Form Total hours Lectures Classes Lab. Sem. Pra. Department
1. Corporate Finance 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
2. Economics for Business 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
3. Elective Course 4 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
4. Law for Business 2 A 20 20 - - - -
5. Leadership 2 A 15 - 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
6. Problem Solving in Organizations 2 A 15 - 15 - - - Department of Business Economics / Department of Marketing
7. Quantitive Methods 4 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Econometrics / Department of Statistics
8. Strategic Management 4 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Business Economics / Department of Organisation and Management /
9. Strategic Marketing 4 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Marketing
ALL 30 - 245 125 120 0 0 0 -
1. Business English 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
2. Customer Experience Design 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Marketing
3. Elective Course 2 A 15 15 - - - - Faculty of Management
4. Elective Course (Humanities) 2 A 15 15 - - - -
5. Human Capital Management 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
6. Innovation Management 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate / Department of Organisation and Management /
7. Managerial accounting 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Accountancy
8. Master Seminar 4 A 30 - - - 30 - Department of Business Informatics
9. Operations and Supply Chain Management 4 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Business Economics
10. Team building 1 A 15 - 15 - - - Department of Business Economics / Department of Marketing
ALL 30 - 255 105 120 0 30 0 -
1. Business and Sustainability 4 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Business Economics / Department of Investments and Real Estate / Department of Marketing
2. Business English 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
3. Business Ethics 3 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Business Economics
4. Communication and negotiations 1 A 15 - 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
5. Digital Marketing 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Marketing
6. Elective Course 4 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
7. Investment Management 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
8. Master Seminar 2 6 A 30 - - - 30 -
9. Process and Project Management 4 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Business Economics / Department of Organisation and Management /
ALL 30 - 270 120 120 0 30 0 -
1. Elective Course 4 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
2. Master Seminar 3 10 A 30 - - - 30 -
3. Modern technologies in business 1 A 15 - - 15 - - Department of Business Informatics
4. Organizational Behaviour and Culture 5 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Marketing / Department of Organisation and Management /
5. Planning for Capital Investments 5 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
6. Risk Management 4 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance / Department of Business Economics / Department of Investments and Real Estate
7. Start-up and Growth Management 1 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Banking and Finance / Department of Business Economics
ALL 30 - 180 90 45 15 30 0 -
TOTAL 120 - 950 440 405 15 90 0 -
A - assignemnt, E - exam « wróć