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Studia prowadzone w języku angielskim

Business Informatics

No. Course ECTS Form Total hours Lectures Classes Lab. Sem. Pra. Department
1. Business Applications for Small/Medium Enterprises 3 A 30 - - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
2. CRM Systems 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
3. Design of Human Computer Interaction 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
4. Fundamentals of Business Intelligence 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
5. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 7 E 60 30 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics / Department of Statistics
6. Sustainable Computerization of Businesses 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
ALL 30 - 270 90 0 180 0 0 -
1. Data Visualization Platforms 6 A 60 15 - 45 - - Department of Business Informatics
2. DevOps and Microservices 8 A 75 15 - 60 - - Department of Business Informatics
3. Elective Course (Humanities) 2 A 15 15 - - - -
4. IT Project and Portfolio Management 7 E 60 15 - 45 - - Department of Business Informatics / Faculty of Management
5. Master Seminar 4 A 30 - - - 30 - Department of Business Informatics
6. Modern Foreign Language 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
ALL 29 - 270 60 30 150 30 0 -
1. Elective Course 2 A 15 15 - - - - Faculty of Management
2. Elective IT Course 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
3. Implementation of Big Data Solutions 7 A 60 15 - 45 - - Faculty of Management
4. IT Tools and Techniques in Business Process Management 6 A 60 15 - 45 - - Faculty of Management
5. Master Seminar 2 6 A 30 - - - 30 -
6. Modern Foreign Language 2 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
ALL 28 - 240 60 30 120 30 0 -
1. Cybersecurity 7 E 60 15 - 45 - - Department of Business Informatics
2. Elective Course 2 A 15 15 - - - - Faculty of Management
3. Elective IT Course 5 A 45 15 - 30 - - Department of Business Informatics
4. ERP Systems 6 A 60 15 - 45 - - Department of Business Informatics / Faculty of Management
5. Ethics in Business 3 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Business Economics
6. Master Seminar 3 10 A 30 - - - 30 -
ALL 33 - 225 75 0 120 30 0 -
TOTAL 120 - 1005 285 60 570 90 0 -
A - assignemnt, E - exam « wróć