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Programy studiów prowadzonych w języku angielskim

Financial Analyst

No. Course ECTS Form Total hours Lectures Classes Lab. Sem. Pra. Department
1. Descriptive Statistics 5 A 45 15 30 - - - Department of Statistics
2. Information Technologies 3 A 30 - 30 - - - Department of Business Informatics
3. Introduction to Organisation Management 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
4. Law 3 E 30 30 - - - -
5. Mathematics for Economics 6 A 60 30 30 - - - Department of Econometrics
6. Microeconomics 6 A 60 30 30 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
7. Modern Foreign Language 2 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
8. PE 0 A 30 - 30 - - -
9. Psychology 2 A 30 30 - - - -
ALL 30 - 345 150 195 0 0 0 -
1. Corporate Law 3 E 30 30 - - - -
2. Economics and Society 3 A 30 30 - - - -
3. Financial Mathematics 5 A 45 15 30 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
4. Introduction to Accounting 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
5. Introduction to Finance 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
6. Macroeconomics 6 E 60 30 30 - - -
7. Modern Foreign Language - exam 1 E 0 - - - - - Forign Languages Centre
8. Modern Foreign Language 2 1 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
9. PE 0 A 30 - 30 - - -
10. Probability Concepts 5 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Statistics
ALL 30 - 345 165 180 0 0 0 -
1. Banking 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
2. Corporate Governance 2 E 15 15 - - - - Department of Corporate Finance
3. Financial Accounting 5 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
4. Financial Markets and Instruments 6 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
5. International Finance 4 A 45 30 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
6. Mathematical Statistics 5 A 45 15 30 - - - Department of Statistics
7. Public Finance and Taxes 5 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
ALL 30 - 300 165 135 0 0 0 -
1. Corporate Finance 5 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
2. Econometrics 6 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Econometrics
3. Economic Policy 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
4. Elective Course 3 A 45 45 - - - - Faculty of Management
5. Financial Reporting 4 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
6. Financial Statement Analysis 5 A 45 15 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
7. Introduction to Risk Management 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
8. Research Methodology 1 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Statistics
ALL 30 - 330 195 135 0 0 0 -
1. Derivatives and Alternative Investments 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
2. Elective Course 2 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
3. Financial Audit 2 E 15 15 - - - - Department of Corporate Finance
4. Forecasting 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Econometrics
5. Fundamental Analysis 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
6. Investment Projects 4 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
7. Professional Practice 2 A 160 - - - - 160
8. Risk Management 3 E 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance / Department of Business Economics / Department of Investments and Real Estate
9. Seminar 5 A 30 - - - 30 - Faculty of Management
10. Technical Analysis 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
ALL 30 - 430 135 105 0 30 160 -
1. Capital Market Regulations 3 A 30 30 - - - -
2. Ethics 5 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
3. Financial Marketing and Investor Relations 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Marketing
4. Portfolio Analysis 6 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Econometrics
5. Seminar 8 A 35 - - - 35 - Faculty of Management
6. University-wide Elective Course 2 A 30 30 - - - -
7. Valuation Methods 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance / Department of Investments and Real Estate
ALL 30 - 260 150 75 0 35 0 -
TOTAL 180 - 2010 960 825 0 65 160 -
A - assignemnt, E - exam « wróć