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Programy studiów prowadzonych w języku angielskim

Finance and Accounting

No. Course ECTS Form Total hours Lectures Classes Lab. Sem. Pra. Department
1. Accounting Concepts 4 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Accountancy
2. Behavioral Finance 2 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Banking and Finance
3. Financial Analysis -Applications 6 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
4. Fixed Income and Derivatives 8 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
5. Innovation in Finance 2 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Banking and Finance
6. Quantitative Methods for Finance 8 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Econometrics
ALL 30 - 225 120 105 0 0 0 -
1. Alternative Investment Strategies 7 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
2. Corporate Finance and Equity Valuation 7 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
3. Elective Course 2 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
4. Information Processing for Investment Professionals 4 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Business Informatics
5. Macroeconomic in Financial Analysis 6 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Organisation and Management /
6. Master Seminar 4 A 30 - - - 30 - Department of Business Informatics
ALL 30 - 225 120 75 0 30 0 -
1. Elective Course 2 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
2. Ethics in Finance 5 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Corporate Finance
3. M&A and Corporate Restructuring 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance / Department of Business Economics
4. Master Seminar 2 6 A 30 - - - 30 -
5. Modern Foreign Language 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
6. Portfolio Management 6 E 60 30 30 - - - Department of Econometrics
7. Risk Management in Finance 6 E 45 30 15 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
ALL 30 - 255 120 105 0 30 0 -
1. Elective Lecture 2 A 30 30 - - - - Faculty of Management
2. Financial Market Regulations 4 E 30 30 - - - -
3. International Corporate Governance 2 A 15 15 - - - - Department of Corporate Finance
4. Master Seminar 3 10 A 30 - - - 30 -
5. Modern Foreign Language 2 2 A 30 - 30 - - - Forign Languages Centre
6. Personal Finance and Wealth Planning 7 E 45 15 30 - - - Department of Banking and Finance
7. Real Estate Valuation 3 A 30 15 15 - - - Department of Investments and Real Estate
ALL 30 - 210 105 75 0 30 0 -
TOTAL 120 - 915 465 360 0 90 0 -
A - assignemnt, E - exam « wróć