Investment in City Development
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska A. (2016), Economic and Social Effects of Urbanization - Case Study Analysis. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer, Vol. 166, pp. 760-773. /anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/CITY%202016%20Economic%20and%20social%20effects%20of%20urbanization%20effects.pdf
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska, Anna and Rymarzak, Malgorzata and Dariusz, Trojanowski, Real Estate Function Impact on its Value Exemplified by the City of Gdańsk (2013). Journal 'Aestimum', Firenze University Press, ISSN 1592-6117. /anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/CITY%202012%20Real%20estate%20function%20impact%20on%20value_Aestimum%206_2012.pdf
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska A. (2017), Rationalisation of Investment Decisions in the Sustainable Management of Urban Development; is a New Paradigm Needed, Problems of Sustainable Development, vol. 12 no 1, 2017, pp. 79-90./anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/CITY%202017%20Rationalisation%20of%20Investment%20Decisions%20in%20the%20Sustainable%20Management.pdf
- European Commission: Regional and Urban Policy, Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, December 2014.
Public Private Partnership - selected aspects
Basic readings:
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska A., Trojanowski D. (2012), Principles of public private partnership financing – Polish experience, Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 31 Iss: 4 pp. 329-344. /anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/PPP%202012%20Principles%20of%20PPP_EMERALD%20DT.pdf
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska A., Public private cooperation in sustainable city development - the case study of public-private partnership in railway station area regeneration project [in:] Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage, FIG Working Week 2012, L. Friis-Hansen (ed.), International Federation of Surveyors/Federation Internationalne des Geometres (FIG), pp. 1-15. /anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/PPP%202012%20PP%20cooperation...%20railway%20regeneration%20FIG.pdf
- Hodge, G. A., & Greve, C. (2017). On public–private partnership performance: a contemporary review. Public Works Management & Policy, 22(1), 55-78. /anna-wojewnik-filipkowska/upload/files/PPP%202016%20Hoge%20On%20PPP%20performance.pdf
- Węgrzyn, J., & Wojewnik-Filipkowska, A. (2022). Stakeholder analysis and their attitude towards PPP success. Sustainability, 14(3), 1570.
Interesariusze projektów infrastrukturalnych
Literatura dodatkowa:
- Piasecki, A., & Rus, P. Ekonomia społeczna w samorządzie terytorialnym.=, Homo Politicus vol 13/2018, s. 23-37. [ ]
- Ćpak, E. (2016). Inwestycje infrastrukturalne wyznacznikiem rozwoju gospodarczego. Studia Ekonomiczne, Prawne i Administracyjne, (2), 17-31. []
- Wojewnik-Filipkowska, A. (2014). Rozwój infrastruktury i usług społecznych na rynku domów pomocy społecznej w świetle teorii zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zarządzanie i Finanse, (4), 523-536. []